Hepi Teacher app

“Guys, your homework for tomorrow is…
Play a videogame!!”

Welcome to the future. It’s about time that teachers can use what most children enjoy most… play videogames.

How does it work

When you as a teacher install and open the Hepi Teacher app and register, after logging in you will receive a Teacher ID.

When students open the Hepi game they can log in (clicking [Menu] – [User]) and include your Teacher ID. The game was initially created for self-study without a teacher, and without logging in all scores will be saved locally. But as long as a user stays logged in, all scores will be saved to an online server. Those scores you can follow live with the Teacher app.


  • The orange/blue button switches between students’ scores with and without contractions
  • The Class button allows you to switch between classes
  • The Scores button shows the scores of the 4 stages of a level for each student.
  • The Access button shows the stages which will be playable for each student (teachers’ choice)
  • The star-buttons show the scores of the (random) exam stages after the 4 normal stages
  • The level button allows you to see results and access of different levels


  • You can activate and/or deactivate the orange/blue contracted and uncontracted checkbox of each student. If you leave both active, the student can in the game click [Menu] – [Grammar] and select or deselect contractions
  • You can change the class of each student
  • You can change the (nick) name of each student

In the app itself in the main menu you can also click [HELP] to view the explanation in detail.