Frequently Asked Questions

Just like the information on theĀ  rest of the website, the information below is mostly meant for teachers. That is because the children or students using the game will probably not have sufficient skill to understand most of the information on the website. The f.a.q. below will help you answer some of their initial questions.

Q: Can users only start in Level 1?

A1: (If not logged in) By default the game will open levels and stages progressively, starting in level 1 – stage 1. There are 4 practice stages and 1 exam stage per level. This is so users practice and learn bit by bit. But in the [Menu] under [configuration] you can deselect [step by step], this will unlock all levels and stages.
A2: (If logged in) As soon as the user logs in with username, password and teacher ID, the level and stage access configuration is retrieved from the server. The access is set by the teacher who can chose which stage is playable per level. In the HEPI TEACHER app the teacher can set them individually or for the whole class in one go.

Q: How can I play the not-grammar-excercise parts of the game?

A: Every level has an additional short game. It will be unlocked and appear if you complete all the 4 stages (plus the exam stage in step-by-step mode) of that level. They are fun and give users a moment to catch their breath and go on to the next level.

Q: Why is the name HEPI?

A: HEPI is short for “Homework English – play island”

Q: Why can’t i see the student’s score?

A: It is crucial the students log into the game under [MENU] – [USER] with their name, password and your teacher ID before starting to play. That is because when the user is not logged-in, all progress will be saved onto the phone/tablet offline instead of to our online server.

Q: Is there a version for Iphone?

A: Not yet but it’s planned. Until then, if you happen to have a Windows computer you can use, you can also download a windows version

Q: What does the game [menu] do?

A: The students may not understand every option in the menu. You can check an overview of what the game menu has to offer