Intro for website


Harry Potter Game
Game-coding: Design and development of Flash-games

  Flashkit INTRO contest
Resulted with 10 best worldwide entries

Porfolio in Flash (version 1)
Prior (less complete) version of Flash porftolio

Intro MSA infor

Proposal for website intro

NIC saver

Notenbomer Internet Consultancy Screensaver

Microsoft Premier Support (Brazil)
Multimedia - invitation. Use the arrows to navigate through the demonstration.

Website / filmintro
Used in a Brazilian amateur film. Comparable with a website-intro.

Multimedia demonstration of the functionality/way-of-working of this website.
(site is in dutch!)

NIC b.v.
Multimedia presentation (with intro)
of designs

Patrick Jansen design TRAILER


Screensaver ProInternet



startpage: Patrick Jansen Design   e-mail: