Trial versions subject to Terms & Conditions - Read Disclaimer before installation

Limitiation V2 trial
"single line restriction" meaning it will generate one line of text only, if you type more then one line in input text-box, then they will be merged as one line.
• "font editing disabled" meaning the font can not be altered, it uses Arial (or pixelfont for p.f. trials).

Free Trial Version ACTIONSCRIPT 2.0 for Flash MX2004, 8 or CS3 / CS4
AS 2.0 MEGA Pack (Elite + Astro + PJ+Supreme4 components) 
Zip contains .fla files with trial effects as compiled Library Items

Limitiation AS3 trial
• single font option
• input limitation
• non editable scripting

Free Trial Version ACTIONSCRIPT 3.0 for Flash CS3 / CS4
AS 3.0 Limited full version

IMPORTANT To know: Full versions do not have any restrictions/limitations at all, they are completely editable Library contents.