Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) |
I want to add a slide, how do I proceed? |
A: First a few important points to remember
and good practice facts;
!! - All the slides in the Library
have instance names "slide1" "slide2"
and so on. If you change those then the system
will automatically update accordingly. Wether
or not you're manually placing them or using the
automatic row/columns, the PIMP will always generate
instances of the slides dynamically. Even if you
use the "Container Manual" MovieClip,
it merely serves so you can position your slides
manually but the actual creation of the slides
will be done by ActionScript.
!! - Make sure that at least
each slide 'exists' so it won't return errors,
you can't leave for example "slide5"
missing and create 10 slides... then you'll have
to update slide instance names 6 to 10 into 5
to 9
!! - In case you change slide
order by renaming their linkage names, then it's
best to also rename the actual MovieClip names
"slide 1", "slide 2" in the
Library as well according to how you renamed their
linkage name otherwise you'll certainly start
confusing contents.
Now, assuming you for example you want an 8th
slide, the following is the basic procedure;
- Duplicate "slide 7" to "slide
8" in the Library.
If you have set the component parameter 'automatic'
to false, so you'll be using the "Container
Manual" MovieClip in the Library.
- Drag an instance of MC "slide 8"
somewhere in "Container Manual" on
stage and give it Instance name "obj8"
- Set component parameter 'totalitems' to 8
Test the result and slide 8 will appear when
you 'zoom out'
- Open library MC 'extra menu' and duplicate
below the text 'staff members' the instance
of "extra menu button" with instance
name 'but7' to a new copy and give it instance
name 'but8'. Also duplicate the text above and
give it your own text. Update component Inspector
'itemtexts' by adding an 8th array entry with
your text. This text will appear at the metal
ball hookup buttons
Then, you'll want to link it to the rest of
the items. How... for example;
- Open slide 7 and duplicate hook1 to a new
hook2. That's the metal balls linking lines
between slides. Rember to adjust the instance
name in the Properties panel
- Open slide 8 and remove the hook2-/hook6 ...
you'll probably only need one.
- In main timeline select component and add
a new [hookups] parameter array entry (11) for
the line between slide 7 and 8 , give it value
"7-2,8-1" without quotes
test it and it should work ok now
I'm having trouble with ajusting the hookup lines,
how does it work? |
A: The hookup array values need to be specific.
For each line you'll need to create/add a new
array node to parameter "hookups" in
the form of
So for example creating a line from slide 1 hookup
ball number 2 to slide 5 hookup ball number 4
will be
And so on...
Best/safest practice is to remove all array values
except for the first one and start from there.
Start with one line, test it... if it works then
add another line... if that new one works then
add another one.. test again.. and so on.
Steps to add a portfolio/gallery category |
A: To add a new gallery;
- In xml data, duplicate the latest gallery.
Update category="X", Name="gallery
name", and Folder="imagesX" according
to the category number, name and image folder.
And adjust the listed images to your new category
- In the .fla open MC "slide3" from
the library, then
• Duplicate last frame in layer [CAROUSEL],
in AS3 version make sure no 2 keyframes (in the
2 layers of [CAROUSEL]) are after each other,
because of some flash bug the result won't work
properly unless the component instance (read 'keyframe')
is cleared and a new component instance (read
'keyframe') is generated
• select the "carousel and open component
Inspector, change the 'category' parameter to
the new number
• if using the AS3 version - In layer [buttons]
duplicate the last button and give it a new instance
name accordingly to "bX" where X is
the new number
• if using the AS2 version - In layer [buttons]
duplicate the last button, select it and open
the actions panel and adjust the action gotoAndStop(X);
where X is the new number
• if using the AS2 version - In layer [text]
duplicate the last textfield, select it and adjust
the instance name in the Properties panel to "txtX"
accordingly, where X is the new number