Using multiple fonts for one effect component


live demo

effect is used to indicate any of the effects from the collection. Read it as the effect you are using.
The same steps need to be performed for adding and defining fonts for "Override" -Tab

  • If you have not placed any of the effects onto the canvas, drag any effect from the Component panel onto the stage
  • Open the Library
  • Drag another instance of effect onto the canvas
  • Open the "effect clips" folder in the Library.
  • Open the "letter 1" Movie Clip
  • Select the letter instance on stage
  • In the Properties panel, change the font according to your liking.
  • In the Library, duplicate "letter 1" to "letter 2"
  • Right click "letter 1" and select [Linkage ...], copy the Class name
  • Right click "letter 2" and select [Linkage ...], activate "Export for Actionscript"
  • paste the Class name and adjust the _1 to _2 on the end of the name.
  • Either choose "Export in First Frame" or ... (better method to avoid unnessesary export) open the effect Components 2nd frame layer "Assets" and place an instance of "letter 2" on stage.
  • Open "letter 2"
  • Select the letter instance on stage
  • In the Properties panel, change the font according to your liking.
  • Return to the main timeline/scene (Edit - Edit Document)
  • Select one of the instances of the effect Movie Clip on stage
  • Open the Component Inspector
  • In the value of parameter "font movieclip", set the value to 2.