Purchases subject to Terms & Conditions - Read Disclaimer before purchase
Below versions are AS3 (Flash CS3 only). For AS 1.0 / 2.0
versions (Flash MX/2004/8/CS3), CLICK HERE or logo

    Product Price ShareIt Regsoft Regnow
  Elite components
US$ 49 Buy now Buy now Buy now
  Astro components
US$ 69 Buy now Buy now Buy now
  PJ components
US$ 59
Buy now Buy now Buy now
  Supreme 4 components
US$ 59 Buy now Buy now Buy now
  PJ + Supreme 4 components AS3
( Power Pack)
US$ 99
[discount: $20]
Buy now Buy now Buy now
  PJ + Supreme 4 + ASTRO components AS3
( Super Pack)
US$ 159
[discount: $30]
Buy now Buy now Buy now
  PJ + Supreme 4 + ASTRO + ELITE components AS3
( Mega Pack)
US$ 199
[discount: $30]
Buy now Buy now Buy now
 Which Card Processor?

All of them accept major Creditcards

ShareIt - EU popular
• Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Diners Club.
• Debit Card: Switch and Solo (UK),
• Cash
• Bank/Wire Transfer, Check, FAX Order, Postal Mail, Phone or Purchase Order.
Accepts US dollar, Pound Sterling, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, Japanese Yen, and Euro.

RegSoft : Worldwide
• CD order option.
• Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, JCB (FAX Ordering, Postal Mail, Phone)
• Paypal

RegNow : USA popular
• CD order option.
• Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, Visa Check Card, Eurocard, Mastermoney
• Paypal
• Bank/Wire Transfer, Check/Money Order, Fax Order, Invoice.
Accepts US dollar, pound Sterling, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar and Euro.

V2 (AS1/AS2) to AS3 Upgrade request

Do you have Power Pack Version 2 (AS1/AS2) products and want the AS3 version. For a discount price, you can upgrade PJ and Supreme4 and Astro and Elite effects to include the AS3 version. Use this upgrade form to request the purchase link.


INSTALLING: The components will be delivered as .mxp files which you install with Adobe/ Extension Manager (download latest version to avoid install problems). If for any reason you can't manage to install Macromedia Extension Manager, contact me by email to purchase a .fla file (for manual install or direct use).


Share-it or Regsoft or Regnow name will appear on your creditcard/bank statement when purchasing with credit card.

For Paypal payments, contact us to request Paypal payment or use the Regsoft "Paypal-payment" option